Selasa, 04 Februari 2014

Kejadian Penting dan Prestasi

Kejadian Penting dan Prestasi Yang Diraih Oleh Bank BJB

Tahun 2009

    • "Effeciency Award" - Bisnis Indonesia newspaper
    • "The Best BPD" Bank Terbaik Kategori Pembangunan Daerah(the best bank in category of region development)
    • "The Best Performance Award of Indonesian Banks- BPD category - TEMPO magazine
    • 1st Best ATM – InfoBank magazine
    • 1st Best Security guard - InfoBank Magazine
    • 2nd Best Phone Handling - InfoBank Magazine

    Tahun 2010

    The important events and achievements accomplished by bank bjb on 2010

      • "The Best Bandung Services Excellence Champion". Category Conventional Banking.
      • "Investor Award, Top Regional Bankers"

      Tahun 2011

      The important events and achievements accomplished by bank bjb on 2011

        The important events and achievements accomplished by bank bjb on 2011

        •  Corporate Image Award 2011
        •  Piagam Penghargaan Museum Rekor Indonesia
        •  Investor Award, Best Performance IPO
        • Corporate Image Award 2011, "Excellence in Building and Managing Corporate Image" - 9 Juni 2011
        • Piagam Penghargaan Museum Rekor Indonesia atas rekor "Khitanan dan Donor Darah Masal secara Serentak di 41 Kota/Kabupaten Kantor bank bjb"
        • "Investor Award, Best Performance IPO" - 4 Mei 2011, Hotel Four Season Jakarta

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